The story of Gaia Cappadocia began in 2020 when we moved from Ankara to Avanos, but our journey dates back much further. Our friendship, which started during our university years, was strengthened by the time we spent working and creating together. The joy of producing and sharing motivated us to embark on this path. We wanted to learn as much as possible from the ceramic paradise of Avanos, and at the same time, contribute to it.
With this goal in mind, we decided to establish a ceramics workshop in 2021 to produce "custom-designed stoneware products." By combining the knowledge and experiences we gained in different sectors with ceramics, we founded Gaia Cappadocia, named after Mother Earth. This process has been both a learning experience and a journey of creation.
Gaia Cappadocia is not just a ceramics workshop; it is also a reflection of our love for nature and culture. Each piece is a part of this journey, and every product is meticulously designed to reflect the beauty of nature and cultural heritage.